Icefields Parkway North

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Covers the ice climbs along the Icefields Parkway (Hwy 93N) from the turnoff onto Highway 11 at the Saskatchewan River Crossing to Jasper, Alberta.  Includes Mt. Wilson, the Weeping Wall area, and the Columbia Icefields.

Full Route Descriptions:

  • Polar Circus V, WI5, 700m (450m of climbing)
  • Whimper Wall  III, WI4, 100m
  • Weeping Wall – Lower III, WI4 – 5+, 160m
  • Weeping Pillar (Upper Weeping Wall)  V, WI6
  • Stanley Falls Senior & Chalkstoned  III, W4, 45m (Stanley); III W4, 5.8, 55m (Chalkstoned)
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